Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools (SCIS)

Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)  has worked diligently to help put together the Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools Resources (SCIS) for the board. Here at Glenbrook North, our SCIS team includes: Edward Rooney, Principal Betthany Powers, Teacher Jeff Grigg, CYW Stephanie Blund, Parent Jason Germann, Community Member Josh Carter, Student Sahil Rau, Student Rizwan Sarpara, Student We meet […]

Agendas and Minutes

All the School Council meeting agendas and minutes are archived here according to A01, A02, C04, C99 and any other application section in the WRDSB retention guidelines (see WRDSB Retention Schedule / Guideline for specific details). Financial records are archived at the school for the current year plus 7 years, per legislated requirements. Add the […]

School Council

Recommended Resources People for Education: What is a School Council School Councils: A Guide for Members Related Policies and Procedures BP 1003 – School Councils BP 4017 – Fundraising AP 1570 – School Councils AP 4440 – Loans to Schools or School Councils Join our School Council! We elect members in September every year, and […]