About this Exemplar

Hello School Website Administrators!

This exemplar, and its companion Degrassi, serve as a repository of possibilities. Please look through for ideas and best practices for how you can make your school website the best it can be.

All good websites evolve over time. They grow as their administrators grow, as their audiences grow. Within these pages are ideas you can use to grow your unique website so it reflects your school.

Some aspects of your website are mandatory, as outlined in the Website Procedure. We are collecting those mandatory pieces explicitly in the WordPress Handbook.

We welcome and request your feedback! Problems and support requests should go directly to ITService Desk.

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Safe Caring and Inclusive Schools Survey

The Waterloo Region District School Board is committed to providing safe, caring and inclusive places for everyone in order to help students learn and succeed. We want to understand how parents/guardians feel about your child’s school. Please fill out the survey before May 31st. We will be using the survey results to fine tune our […]

Field Trip: Von Steuben Day Parade

We invite our extended community family to join us as we build floats and parade through Kitchener (formerly Berlin) this year on September 13th!

Read more about Field Trip: Von Steuben Day Parade »

Opening our Doors!

Glenbrook North Secondary School is opening today, September 4, 1952. We hope to have a vibrant and long career in secondary education.

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